I won two Honorable Mentions in the Scrapbooking Memories Masters Comp!!
What a thrill - I really didn't think I would have a chance. I haven't seen the mag yet (things are a bit slow to get to Bundy!) But I am stoked!!!
A huge Congratulations to the 10 ladies who won the coveted Masters title - and to the other HM ers!!
Clever you! Congratulations mate :)
Congratulations on your HM. Even if they didn't appreciate all of your work, 2/4 aint bad. At least you had the guts (oops not pregnant then were you?) to have a go. I really can't believe that they didn't cry when they read your double page layout, surely that is a winner, it is in my mind. Happy New Year to all in your house hold. Lv Cass
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