Tuesday, February 26, 2008

another month!!!

has gone by -- we are STILL renovating...my builder broke his nose this morning, but he is STILL working..what a trooper!!
but, there is light at the end of the tunnel - another week (or so) and we will be finished. We have mopped up after the whole downstairs was flooded in monsoonal rains - so the whole house is is a disaster zone. I have been in my happy place for a few weeks now.......

I am now officially finished work - it's very strange to not have to rush out the door in the morning - I have fought my way back into my scrapbooking room - and actually scrapped!!! YAY
I can just feel my sanity returning.

Baby is growing well - again on 95th percentile for size, just like the last one - so projected to 11 lbs......hmmmn... I have an appointment in a few weeks to discuss my "options". I wonder if getting somebody else to do it is one of my "options"????
So I am going to take advantage of these few weeks at home and scrap up a storm!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl, I can't wait to see the results of months of pent up tallent.
Congrats on your stint at the CAC starting in March. I hopes it's not the blue rinse bridgate that you will be teaching, it might be some of the ladies from Vinnies.
Have a good week,